Shiela Barrera | HaB


Shiela Barrera
Whenever I travel I make sure that I try to immerse myself to the cultures and traditions of the place I visit. Though my travel buddy and I love matching outfits and to eat our “baons” (packed snacks and canned goods) whenever we travel, as ‘turistas’ we always make sure that wherever we are, we...
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I read a few blogs and saw great photos of Busan that made me and my friend ended up with a decision to add Busan in our SoKor itinerary. It says there that aside from Seoul, Busan is now gaining attention and sees a steady flow of tourist. Busan is located at the southern regions,...
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Beautiful Destinations in Seoul, South Korea
I am one of those who’s fond of watching K dramas and hmmn K pop. Well, korean artists, korean food, korean merchandise and anything korean were the reasons why we planned a trip to South Korea. We actually booked our plane ticket 8 months beforehand giving us enough time to plan and to save just...
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