Everything You Need To Know About Jjimjilbang! (Korean Sauna) | HaB Korea.net

Everything You Need To Know About Jjimjilbang! (Korean Sauna)

Where do locals usually go to unwind? to hang-out? and to engage in a whole host of health and beauty rituals? It’s Korean Traditional Sauna! or Jjimjilbang! Perfect for families, friends, old ones and the young. Also, a great experience for tourists to try on. But first, know these things I have listed below before going! ๐Ÿ™‚

1) Put your shoes on lockers and get your sauna clothes from the front desk.

2) Go with your appropriate gender, male and female must be separated.

3) All the clothes must remove when you go to the jacuzzis or hot swimming pools.

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4) You can put your sauna clothes when you go to the sleeping/sauna area.

5) There is a lot of sauna rooms you can choose from, depends on the temperature.

Everything You Need To Know About Jjimjilbang! (Korean Sauna)

Everything You Need To Know About Jjimjilbang! (Korean Sauna)

6) Food stores are available inside where you can have a nice meal.

7) You can also buy a face mask and other beauty skincare products.

8) There is a lot of recreational areas like playgrounds for kid and televisions for adults.

9) You can also enjoy massage chairs and massage services (w/ extra payment).

10) Find your own area, for you can sleep everywhere you want in the sleeping areas.

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Everything You Need To Know About Jjimjilbang! (Korean Sauna)

Since it is our first time to experience Jjimjilbang, we have a lot of cultures-shock experiences inside of it. Here is the list:

1) Everyone is nude, and it’s a little bit awkward for us to move around.

2) There are a lot of ahjummas and ahjussis (older ones).

3) Random people will talk to you.

4) Inside the saunas, there are a lot of people! a little bit shy to go inside.

5) Taking a bath with random people beside you!

Everything You Need To Know About Jjimjilbang! (Korean Sauna)

These heated rooms are perfect for winter when it is very cold outside. A perfect quick getaway for everyone who wants to feel warm while getting healthy.

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