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Introducing HaB Korea Point Rewards Program

Introducing HaB Korea Point Rewards Program

HaB Korea has implemented the “Point Reward” system from 21st June 2018. We are very excited to launch this new program and begin rewarding our members and customers for any activities on website such as write a new post on Korea travel forum or comment, sign up, login, daily visit and more!

Here are some important things you should know about our point rewards program!

How to Earn your Points:

You can automatically earn your points through these activities on 

1 point: Daily visit and login or comment on the forum
2 points: Write a new post on the forum, or write a comment on the magazine article
3 points: sign up on as a member (see how to sign up)
5 points: Subscribe to Magazine HaB Korea

HaB Korea team will give you some special points by your request when,

10 points: If you share your travel experiences in Korea by article submission. You will earn your point when your article is published in Magazine HaB Korea.

15 points
: Write a 5-stars-review on TripAdvisor, Book your tours or activities (must be over $50) on

(☆ Note: In case of reviewing on TripAdvisor, you must let us know when your review go live)

How to Check Your Points:

Go visit ‘Dashboard’ menu on the upper right side of and you will see your current points on the bottom of left side of your account dashboard. (see the screenshot picture)

How to use your Points: updated on 20 January 2020

10 Points = 1 HaB Korea Credit Point (USD $1)

10 points can be used for the same value as one dollar when you book any type of activity. The maximum points you can use for each booking is 1,000 Points (same as $100 worth) and your HaB Korea Rewards Points cannot be transferred.

Our Rewards Program is only available through HaB Korea website, therefore points are only awarded through those activities made on this site.

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