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Korea Travel Hacks

As a usual traveller, part of our social culture is we always look for the cheapest prices when we buy or purchase things abroad. Whether in clothes, accessories, shoes, bags, gadgets and food. Even in plane ticket sales, tour package promos, and discounted accommodations.  That’s why I’m going to share with you 5 Five Budget...
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Tipping Etiquette in South Korea What you think about tipping probably depends on your viewpoint on the world – whether you’ve worked in a service job that only paid well if you received tips, whether you have a lot of money, whether you don’t. You may tip out of due diligence, but get no pleasure...
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Korea Travel Hacks
What if it could be a once in a year or a once in a lifetime moment? Travel could be one of the tops on that list. The start of this trip is to get on the plane from the airport to your destination safely and comfortably. Everything is the same, but starting with travel...
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